Sunday, 6 April 2014

Changing Times

The 1970's is often portrayed as a time of change in the world - women were totally liberated and had more rights than they'd ever known; Margaret Thatcher became Britian's first and only female Prime Minister, The Vietnam War ended, we were shocked into realising that there isn't that much oil left in the world, and the attitudes of the public were geared towards becoming an individual in their own society, rather than a meaningless blur.


(Source: an image from the oil crisis of the 70's - oil had to be rationed and there was panic in the air.

(Source: wikimedia)

In the 70's, society was rapidly changing. The youthful, rebellious streak of the Swinging 60's had made people realise that they didn't have to conform to social standards; they could be whoever and whatever they wanted to be, and their opinion should matter towards huge decisions such as voting the new leader in or protesting against what they believed in. This brought about a huge attitude change, and people were looking towards a more equal society, far away from the previous hierarchical social structures.



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