Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Culture: Pop

One of the most well-known art movements of all time, Pop Art one of the biggest things to come out of the 50's and 60's. It was used in rebellion against traditional fine art, using images which were influential in pop culture (such as advertising or logos e.g. the coca cola logo) and was bright, using flat colours, collage and different techniques such as stippling. The art has a real attitude about it.


Two notable artists include, of course, Andy Warhol and Roy Lichenstein. Warhol created bold, almost advertisement imagery such as the Campbell's Soup work, and also repeated images of iconic people and objects in different colours. It was so forward-thinking and the contrast was huge from previous art styles.


(Source: wikimedia) Warhol's drawing on the moon museum - an anagram of his initials which could be taken either way - a rocketship or a 'crudely drawn penis'

Lichenstein utilised comic book techniques such as posterizing and stippling the images to give a bold, commercial look. I enjoy Lichenstein's work as it has quite an emotional quality to it - the speech bubbles add humour and depth.

(Source: midcenturia.tumblr)

The youth of the day were becoming immersed in pop culture from every surrounding - teenagers were often found following fashion cults such as the mods or rebels.

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