Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Relax! Go For a Swim

After the war leisure time was huge again - so much so that the fashion industry was churning out garments specifically for a holiday, enough that someone could easily have a whole 'holiday wardrobe' - the first bikini was introduced in 1947, and though it may have shocked some with its revealing nature, it was embraced and became a summer staple.


(Source: experienceproject,com) The bikini has hardly dated at all - in fact I prefer the simplistic approach of the first bikinis to the over glitzed creations we see on the rail today.

(Source: tuppencehappenny.blogspot) This is so clever - an adaptable suit for every holiday situation.

France became a major holiday destination, in particular the French Riviera - it became one of the summer style hotspots and even St Tropez held a fashion show!

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